How to Say ‘I Miss You’ By Posting a Hot Photo of You at The Beach

After a relationship ends, it can be difficult to move on, especially if you feel like the break up may have been the wrong decision. If you’re missing your ex, there are plenty of ways to communicate that you wish they were back in your life. Or, you can just post an extremely sexy photo of you in a bikini looking happy and hope it makes him miss you enough to reach out. Here’s how to say “I miss you” by posting a super hot photo of you at the beach.


Consider His Feelings

If you know he has an important meeting on Wednesday mornings, don’t reach out at a time that could put him in a funk. Do your best to consider when hearing from you would be best for him, especially since you’re considering sharing vulnerable feelings about potentially rekindling your relationship. Or, you could always post a photo of you in your new white bikini running along the shore laughing wildly. Who cares when you post it, it will make him sad, maybe even sad enough to reach out to you!


Ask To Get Coffee

Instead of laying out all your feelings via text, ask him to meet you for coffee. Plan to meet somewhere public, so neither of you has to deal with the awkwardness of being in each other’s houses. It’s nice to let him know you want to talk about your relationship so he goes in knowing what to expect. Or, if it feels better, literally drop a bomb photo of your body basically naked lying in the sand shimmering in the sunlight. It’s basically the same as saying, “Hey, I’ve been doing a lot of thinking and want to try again!”



Send Him a Letter

Having trouble figuring out how to communicate your feelings in a non-aggressive thoughtful way? Send him a private letter he can read on his own time! Or, better yet, post a public photo of you taken by probably some hot guy you’re seeing now that he will have to see whether he likes it or not! Sorry, you’re a single beach bitch now, but not for long!


Use these tips to let him know you’ve been thinking a lot about him, or simply post a photo of your perfect body emerging from the wet ocean. This is a thirst trap world and you gotta play the game!