Father Blissfully Unaware Of Daughters’ Adoring Social Media Posts

Father Mark Folger is going yet another Father’s Day oblivious to his two daughters’ praises on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.


Caitlin Folger posted a #TBT of herself in a ruffled bathing suit on her father’s shoulders, completely unbeknownst to her loving father.


“It’s a good pic I think because I look really cute and he looks, like, way bigger by contrast,” captioning the photo, “To all the memories we’ve had, and all the memories that haven’t happened yet. I love you Dad.” The picture received 37 likes on Instagram, and five favorites on Twitter. Folger described the response from her followers as “decent.”


Meanwhile, in the kitchen below his daughter’s room, the Folger patriarch listened to CCR as he made six breakfast burritos, so he could have one today, and then one each day of the coming workweek.



Sister Kirsten posted a pic of herself and her Dad to Facebook with the caption, “From fishing in the Ozarks to the prom fiasco to that time I freaked out on the freeway, you’ve always been there for me. Thanks for everything, Dad,” which he did not see because he does not use Facebook.


“Gotta love Papa Folger” commented Kirsten’s high school friend Maya, who had visited the Folger house twice. Had Papa Folger had a Facebook account, he might have asked, “Who’s Maya?” Instead, he happily sat down to begin a game of scrabble with his wife, Sharon.


When asked about the day, Mark Folger described it as “really special,” despite the fact that Kirsten never called and Caitlin got him chocolates when everyone knows he is more of a jellies guy.