STUDY: Bradley Whitford Can Still Come And Get It Any Time He Wants

A recent study out of Duke University in North Carolina concluded that Bradley Whitford – star of The West Wing and, more recently, the racist dad in Get Out – can actually come and get it any time he wants.


Scientists working on the study were interested in whether Whitford had retained his thirst trap status in the 12 years since The West Wing went off the air. And more importantly, if he could still get all up in this.


“We wanted to test the scientific theory that Bradley Whitford could still come and get it even though he’s now 58 years old and no longer Deputy Chief of Staff Josh Lyman,” says lead research Dr. Emily Stephens. “Our conclusion was that yes, Whitford can come and get it, and once he’s got it, he can get all up in it and get up in the business as much as he pleases.”


The academic and scientific community is already embracing the research, and happily accepting the outcome of the four-year study.


“I always suspected that even with his white hair, Bradley could definitely get it,” says Meera Abed, a professor at Brown. “But having qualitative evidence that he can still get it? And that he’s gonna get it both good and whenever he wants? Well that opens up a whole new world to me and my students.”


Abed’s students were quick to agree.


Out of 100 women in the test group, over 70 percent said that Whitford could come and get and get real filthy with it. The remaining 30 percent said that he didn’t need to come and get it, but if he was in the neighborhood late at night or something, they’d give it to him no problem.


“Bradley knows about the study and is pleased at the outcome,” says Dr. Stephens. “But when I asked if he wanted to come and get it, he said ‘No, thank you.’ Well, it’s waiting for him to get it either way. That’s science.”