No Way! This Woman Likes Her Own Tits

Twyla Groening has achieved the unthinkable. In spite of adolescence, terrible ex-boyfriends and the existence of bralettes, this 31-year-old woman actually likes her own two breasts.


We’re in awe that a woman could have that kind of appreciation for herself!


“They’re pretty small,” said Twyla. “But I think they’re fine. They’re what I’ve got, so I like them just the way they are.”


Mrs. Groening has maintained a high regard for her boobs despite existing in a society that constantly reminds women that the way their bodies look naturally is repulsive and not good enough.


“I guess I’m just past caring about what other people think of my breasts,” she said. “Sure, my areolas are a little disproportionate, but whatever. They’re good enough for me.”


Wow! How in the world does this woman manage to admire a natural part of her own body?


Friends and family are just as flabbergasted as we are with Twyla’s blind confidence in her bosom.


“I honestly can’t believe it,” said Twyla’s longtime friend Gretchen Fork, shaking her head. “I’d get a boob job in a heartbeat if I could. And her boobs are half the size of mine. I don’t know how she does it.”


“She’s really something else,” added Penny Groening, Twyla’s sister. “How can you go through life as a woman in such a hypercritical society and actually like your own tits? It seems almost impossible! But Twyla has always been one to push boundaries.”



But Twyla doesn’t think she’s quite all that.


“All tits are beautiful in my eyes,” she said. “You get the body you get, so why spend time stressing about it not being perfect?”


Because, we do Twyla! That’s why!