‘Our Family Is Growing!’ Says Married Woman Who Just Got a Boyfriend

In an announcement posted to her Instagram account last week, 33-year-old Katie Gilmore revealed that she and her husband, Charlie, have welcomed a new addition to their little family: Katie’s new boyfriend!


“Excited to welcome this little bundle of joy into our family!” Katie gushed in the caption of the Instagram post of her standing between her husband and her boyfriend, both of whom looked visibly uncomfortable.


Friends and family said they were initially surprised because they didn’t realize the couple was expecting a baby, only to be more surprised when it, in fact, wasn’t a baby, but Katie’s new boyfriend.


“They could have worded it differently, I guess?” said Katie’s friend, Laura. “Or maybe just not worded it at all? Call me old fashioned, but I don’t think you need to post a 10-slide Instagram to introduce the world to your latest side piece.”


Others close to the couple agreed, saying they were especially off-put by Katie putting “Our family just got ten toes bigger!” in the caption of said Instagram.


“You’re already forcing us to be a part of the minutiae of your relationship, the least you could do is refrain from invoking the man’s feet, for the love of god.”


However, others felt differently, with Katie’s mom saying, “I’m just thankful that he’s happy and healthy.”


While others close to the couple agreed that, sure, they were glad he was happy and healthy, too, they were still not sure why Katie felt the need to introduce him to the world.


“I talked to Charlie last weekend and he told me that their relationship isn’t even open,” Thomas, a mutual friend of the couple, told reporters. “So, this announcement was basically just airing out her indiscretions to the public? Really perverted stuff.”




In spite of the mixed opinions about Katie’s announcement, many friends of the couple say that they are, actually, excited to meet the newest addition to their family.


As of press time, Katie had posted a few more forced photos with her new man and her longtime husband, saying, “We can’t wait to see what this new chapter has in store!”


Sources say all signs are pointing toward divorce.