Aw! It Takes Woman Full 48 Hours After Conversation to Realize She Has Been Insulted

In a story that took an embarrassing amount of time to come to pass, 26-year-old Amanda Vaughn just realized she had been insulted multiple times in a conversation she had over 48 hours ago.


Aw! Look who’s been ruminating!


Amanda said that usually she’s so focused on just getting through the conversation without seeming weird or awkward or — god forbid — accidentally insulting the person she’s talking to, that she doesn’t even really process what the other person said until the conversation is well over.


“Sometimes I just black out when I’m talking to someone and don’t really digest what went down until days later,” Amanda told reporters. “I’m pretty sure it’s social anxiety. That, or a malevolent ghost takes over my body, but only when I’m white knuckling my way through a basic conversation.”


In this case, it took Amanda over two days to realize that in a conversation with her friend Jamie at a party last weekend, Jamie referred to Amanda’s job as “cute,” expressed surprise that Amanda was in a relationship, and told Amanda that her makeup looked “nice.”


“Diabolical, right?” Amanda said. “I wish I hadn’t been so focused on keeping my face in a normal face position so I could’ve confronted her about it right then and there. Now I’ll have to resort to being passive aggressive toward her on social media for two weeks in order to make up for it.”


Yeah, that makes sense!


While reporters agreed that Jamie’s first two comments were shady as hell, they thought Amanda might be overthinking a bit about the last one.


“You didn’t hear the way she said it,” Amanda said. “Neither did I at the time, but it came back to me later while I was taking a shower.”



At this point, reporters couldn’t help but wonder if Jamie really had insulted Amanda to her face, or if Amanda had just overanalyzed the conversation way too much in the following days.


As of press time, Amanda had come to the realization that the way reporters had been talking to her was super patronizing and the subject matter of the article was generally kind of rude. She then commented “lol you’re so confident” on several of their Instagram photos in retaliation.


Yes, girl! Stand up for yourself well after the fact!