Texting is hard – especially when you need to send a serious message. Thankfully, you can make that confusion much worse by punctuating your most serious texts with a cool and casual “lol” to completely undermine the gravity of what you just said. With these tips, you’ll be sure to have everyone thinking you’re a chill girl who is just laughing her way through it all, lol!
Be Consistent
The only surefire way to undermine your own message is to make sure you add a ‘lol’ to every single text you send, whether it’s about toilet paper or a death in the family. Want to tell a close friend that the comment she made about your job was shitty and don’t add a ‘lol’ at the end? What are you, some kind of monster? Need to tell the guy whose condom broke inside you that need him to at least split the cost of Plan B with you? You know what to do, bitch!
Don’t Be Afraid To Add On
The best way to triple down on dismissing something that genuinely hurt you is tacking on a ‘haha’ or, if the situation really fucking sucks, crank it up notch and go for an ‘lmfao.’ These extra letters will definitely make sure that you’re cushioning any real communication you could be having about a painful situation in the nonchalant tone of an Internet joke. Very chill and not at all getting in the way of real communication!
Once you master using ‘lol’ as an add-on for undermining yourself, you can begin to phase out all the other personal details and start sending it as a stand-alone text. No longer will you need to write out a painful or critical message that could help you express complicated feelings that you should be able to discuss with your friends, those three letters will say it all. As long as you know what you meant to say, that’s all that matters!
With these tips, you’re ready to send off some incredible texts that not only misrepresent your intentions but also disregard the fact that you are a human being who should be allowed to communicate your feelings. Now that’s a win-win!