How To Get His Attention By Sending 100 Short Texts Instead Of One Normal Text

When you’re starting to talk with a potential crush, it can be hard to know if you’re really making an impression. Are your texts interesting? Are you asking memorable questions? Do you seem fun to be around? Fortunately, we’ve found a few ways to guarantee you’ll catch his attention and keep it. The answer? Sending 100 short texts instead of just like one normal text. Here’s how:


Break Up Every Thought Into Its Component Parts

First up, and most important: You want to disassemble every text you might send into its smallest parts, and then send those instead. 100 short texts are going to be much more memorable than a single normal one! So instead of saying “Haha, yeah I love going to the movies. Tiffany Haddish is so funny. Did you see Girls Trip?” Try breaking it up like this: “Haha”, “Yeah”, “I love movies” “Tiffany Haddish”, “Super funny”, “Girls Trip”, “Did you see it??” Now there’s a conversation he can’t ignore!


Increase Your Typing Speed

To really get his attention, he’s going to have to receive your texts in rapid succession. That means you’re going to need to limber up those fingers! Try doing some thumb stretches beforehand, and do typing exercises whenever you have a free moment. The goal is for an alarming, machine gun spray of messages. His phone will be buzzing so incessantly, he’ll have to pick it up off the dresser!


Don’t Second Guess Yourself

The critic in you might want to draft a normal sized text, re-read it once or twice, and then send it. Talk about a snooze-fest! Ignore those self-critical impulses and just blitz out a hundred semi-coherent short phrases in under thirty seconds. Typos be damned, you’ve got a man to impress!



Consider Your Timing

For this rapid-fire method to really be effective, he has to be near his phone, so we recommend initiating conversations between 10pm and midnight. Ideally, you’ll want him to hear his phone buzzing so much as he’s lying in bed that he’ll assume there’s some kind of family emergency. Then, when he picks up his phone in a panic and sees it’s just you, he’ll be so relieved!


If you follow these tips, you’ll have an attention-grabbing conversation in no time. And remember: when in doubt, break it up into another message! You can never have too many!!