Woman’s Savings Account Just Money She Forgot About in Venmo

After evaluating her personal finances this week, 27-year-old Kelsey Sullivan made a shocking discovery, finding that her entire life’s savings is actually just money she forgot about in her Venmo account.


Records show that Sullivan has nearly $700 in her Venmo account, built up from months of offering to pay for brunches with her credit card and telling people to “just Venmo” her.


When questioned about her savings strategy, Sullivan explained, “I just forgot.”


Financial guru and family planning specialist, Collie McCoy, was particularly stunned by Sullivan’s financial savvy.


“Most people spend years figuring out savings strategies that they can actually stick to,” explains McCoy. “Ms. Sullivan, however, had the brains and skill to simply forget to transfer her money back to her account.”


McCoy adds: “She’s an inspiration to young women everywhere who wish to take back control over their financial situation.”


Sullivan was invited to sit on a panel at the local Personal Finance Conference downtown on Tuesday. During the Q&A, audience members inquired about her inspired thought process, where she responded, “Is that not how most people manage money?”



This tactic is being employed nationwide; mainly by people who didn’t realize they’ve already been doing it for years.


“I was amazed at how well I had saved money by actually spending money pretty carelessly and hoping people would pay me back,” says local teacher, Rebecca Cartman.


“I guess letting my roommate Venmo his part of the cable bill because I’m too lazy to deal with checks was the most adult thing to do after all,” says unemployed 31-year-old Brody Miles.


Little is known about the potential long-term effects this could have on the global economy, but at press time, Sullivan had just transferred the money to her checking account and spent it all.