Woman Who Ate Every Meal at Home Today Rewards Self With $200 Clothing Purchase

In an admirable and successful attempt to save money, 24-year-old Kyla Robb decided to cook breakfast, lunch, and dinner using groceries she already had at home today. After taking stock of how much money she’d effectively saved, she then immediately rewarded herself with a $200 clothing purchase. 


“I’ve been eating out way too much and figured it’s time to stop spending exorbitant amounts on take-out,” she told reporters gathered at the scene. “Well, I successfully did that for 24 straight hours, which means it’s time to celebrate by spending an exorbitant amount of money on clothes.”


According to reporters, something isn’t quite adding up.


Kyla deliberately packed herself a sandwich for lunch this morning, then cooked a ready-made Trader Joes meal when she got home from work, which would be great and all if she were not currently scrolling through Reformation’s new catalog. 


“I did such a great job of saving money today that a little purchase couldn’t hurt,” she continued, placing a dress in her cart.


Reporters agree that a little purchase couldn’t hurt but reminded Kyla that a $200 dress did not, by any means, qualify as a “little purchase.”


“It’s trickle-down economics!” she countered. “The money I saved in my food budget trickles down to money I can spend on shopping. It’s simple math.”


Even if this were true, experts estimate she only saved about $30 on food today, so the $200 purchase would put her solidly in the red at $170 over-budget.


Reporters also noted this is not “trickle-down economics” at all and made the additional point that trickle-down economics is not something anyone should use as a guideline ever. 



“It’s on sale!” she exclaimed, clearly not paying attention to anything they were saying. “Wow. If I buy this dress now, I’m actually saving another $200!”


Reporters countered that it is not considered “saving” when someone spends $200, they would not have spent otherwise. Kyla again opted not to listen to this and instead finished purchasing the dress.


As of press time, Kyla had proudly told reporters that she considers today a financial win, as she saved about $230. As a reward for saving so much on the dress, she has decided to eat out for every meal tomorrow.