STUDY: Blondes Have More Fun Despite Going on The Same Roller Coasters as the Rest of Us

Roller coasters are supposed to be fun for everyone, but does hair color play an active role in exactly how much fun you have on them? According to scientists, it definitely does. For years, researchers have been investigating the natural phenomenon that blondes have more fun, even when they go on the same exact awesome roller coasters as the rest of us.


“It’s true that blondes have more fun in general,” said head researcher Dr. Maya Haverford. “So obviously they’re going to have more fun than everyone else on the same roller coaster too.”


This news may be sad for the brunettes out there to hear, but it’s true.


We were also able to ask the blonde-haired participants about their experiences during the experiment, and they were happy to provide more information about the study.


“Back when I was a brunette, I would have some fun on roller coasters,” blonde woman Angela Ramirez told us. “But now when I’m riding a roller coaster it’s a way bigger deal. Like, as a blonde, I know that everyone’s looking at me and wishing they were having as much fun as I am. It’s just science!”


The interesting findings don’t stop there, with other test subjects having virtually opposite results depending on what color their hair is while riding a roller coaster.


“Roller coasters were completely joyless for me before I bleached my hair,” another blonde participant, Isis Mayfield, told us. “But after I became a blonde, I suddenly understood all the hype! Now I have more fun than literally anyone else who’s riding them, unless they’re also blonde, of course.”


“When we first conducted our experiments, we were shocked by the results,” Dr. Haverford told us. “We all figured that blondes had more fun in our hypothesis, but the amount of fun that they have on roller coasters is frankly shocking compared to all the non-blondes out there.”


When asked how the public should utilize these findings, Dr. Haverford gave us some useful advice.



“If you’re planning on riding a roller coaster soon,” Dr. Haverford advised. “Try bleaching some of your hair. You don’t even have to do all of it – you can just do that thing where you dye the two front parts. We’ve found that even a little bit of blonde can allow you to have around 30% more fun compared to the average brunette.”


So if you’re a brunette who wants to enjoy roller coasters more, listen to Dr. Haverford’s advice! Or don’t if you want to stay boring or whatever!