I used to think that I was pretty unafraid of bugs. I usually have no problem swatting flies away or killing spiders, but that all changed this morning when the unthinkable occurred.
I swatted at a gnat and felt it touch my hand.
Like I said, I am pretty calm and collected when it comes to bugs, but when I felt the gnat touch my skin, I let out a scream so high pitched and insane I never even knew it could come out of my mouth.
Who knows where that gnat has been? Bugs notoriously love garbage and poop. So I probably got poop particles on my hand when it happened! I’m literally throwing up while writing this.
I will never forget its weird not-cold but not-warm-either body grazing the back of my hand. I might invest in therapy again just so I can get past this horrible experience.
What am I supposed to do when I’m faced with another bug? Just let it fly around and touch everything else? Should I buy a fly swatter or get some traps? Please tell me what to do!
The gnat is literally still in the house so now I’m hiding under my bed.
Should I go to the ER? I have no “wounds” but I think ER doctors also deal with trauma? Maybe I’m thinking of something else.
The contact was just so intimate and unexpected.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” my roommate, Clara, asked me when she came home from work four hours later.
Obviously she’s never had a gross little bug touch something of hers that was so personal, like her fucking hand!
Maybe one day I’ll get over this, but until then I’ll just be under this bed, plotting my revenge. Ew, wait, what if there’s bugs under here too?