How to Cook Dinner When Your Counter Only Fits One Plate

So, you’re trying to get more into cooking, but you have a kitchen the size of a broom closet and the counter space the size of a preschooler’s desk – not to worry! Here’s how you can make some subpar to decent dinners, even though your counter space is really only big enough for a single plate.


Clean as you go.

Yeah, okay, we’ll admit this one is kind of bullshit. We just wanted to include it to give ourselves some credibility in the cooking community. Has anyone ever done this in the history of humanity? We don’t think so. Would this technically solve some “limited counter space” issues? Sure. Would this do anything for your single-plate-sized countertop in your Fisher-Price-ass apartment? Absolutely not. You’re going to have to think a little bigger than this.


Start thinking of the floor as a “ground-level counter top.”

Once you get over your negative feelings about “dust” and “mixing feet and food,” a whole new world of counter space will open up to you. Is calling the floor a countertop counterintuitive? Yes! Do you really have any other options? No, babe, you don’t.


Try an easy one-pot recipe.

This tip is helpful if, in addition to only having a plate-sized countertop to work with, you also only have one pot to cook with. Sure, these recipes don’t really account for the fact that you have no counter space to prep the ingredients prior to tossing them into the pot, but remember: there’s always the floor! Seriously, get over it and get on your hands and knees.



Give up and order takeout again.

What really is “cooking” anyways? If you’re flexible with the English language, “cooking” could simply be walking over to grab some takeout. This way, you don’t use any counter space, and you won’t have any dishes to clean up! Be honest – you were going to do this anyway. So, save yourself the headache and just go ahead and pull the trigger on walking over to Wendy’s and grabbing a chicken sandwich or whatever.


There you have it! Just a few easy steps and you’ll be utilizing your kitchen to its fullest potential in no time. Then, once you realize how limited that potential actually is, you’ll be giving up and going to grab pizza from the place on the corner. Again.