How to Give the Perfect Gag Gift by Getting Them Nothing

If you’re wondering what to get someone who happens to love a good prank, or if you’re running low on funds for gifts this year, a gag gift is the best way to show that you care while also not taking the holidays too seriously. But the best gag gift of all? Giving them absolutely nothing! Here’s how:


Drop hints about how great their gift will be.

Gag gifts are so much funnier if your loved one expects something sincere and thoughtful from you. Whether it’s your mom who asked you for your wish list because she wants to make you happy, your best friend of 15 years, or your partner who gave you the option to not do gifts this year that you vehemently declined; they’ll all be pleasantly surprised when they find out that all of their dreams of what you could possibly be giving them were so, so wrong, and they’re actually getting jack shit this year! Hilarious!


Gift wrap a box with nothing in it.

To continue reeling in your mark/friend for your practical joke, keep your mischievous antics going by gift wrapping a huge empty container and telling them that you really hope they like it. The bigger the better! Also, remember to give it to them early in the month and tell them not to open it until later. Don’t worry if they actually gave you something thoughtful that you’ll remember for the rest of your life — the gift of laughter you’re providing for them is a million times better!



Tell them that was just a joke, then give them another gift-wrapped box that also has nothing in it.

Okay, so they unwrapped your present and found that there was nothing inside. Maybe they even look sad but they’re trying to hide it as best as they can. Now’s the perfect time to deliver the final blow! Tell them that what they just opened was the gag present, and that you actually have a real present for them. Then, simply give them another empty box. Even though you didn’t have any money for Christmas gifts this year, that doesn’t mean you can’t still brighten someone’s holiday season! Even if they get mad at you and permanently cut you off afterwards!


Remember, it’s the thought that counts! Just because you couldn’t give someone you love a gift this year, you can still show them you care by spending the time to orchestrate a cruel prank on them that could change your relationship with them forever. Happy holidays!