Help! I Started a Project and Now I Have to Keep Working on It

Everyone loves to talk about how important it is to create goals and stick to them, but no one ever seems to mention how long it takes to do all of that. So, imagine my surprise when I started knitting a sweater for the very first time and didn’t finish it on the same day that I started it. How could I be led so far astray?


I didn’t sign up for this!


After working for hours only to knit a few inches of the front side of the cardigan I was crafting, I felt completely duped. How was I supposed to know it was going to take this long? When I was getting ready for bed after a long day of knitting, I did a quick google search, typing in “how long it takes to knit a full sweater,” and the results said “around 40 hours.” I wouldn’t have even started this project if I had known that crucial information from the beginning!


So, I just have to keep going? This is so unfair!


I thought I could consolidate 40 hours into 24 hours at the least. So, the next day I went straight to work, but I’m still only on the same part that I was knitting before, and there’s still the back part and the sleeves I have to get to! When I envisioned knitting a sweater, I saw myself starting it in the morning and finishing it in the evening, or maybe even the afternoon if I really hustled, but I guess that’s not the case?


I know that Rome wasn’t built in a day, but I personally think that nothing should ever take longer than one day to finish.



Eventually I got fed up with trying to knit and took a break to write out an idea that I’ve been kicking around in my head for a while by writing it out as a screenplay. I surprisingly finished the whole script in just a day, but when I told my roommate about it, she said that she’d “love to read it to give notes sometime”? What the hell is she talking about? The screenplay is done — I finished it. Now, you’re telling me that I have to write multiple drafts?


What the hell is wrong with this cruel world?!


Despite people in the online knitting community saying that the satisfaction of finishing a knitted piece after a long period of work makes it all worth it, I’m never going to start a project that I can’t finish in a day again. Crossword puzzles, here I come! Easy levels only.