Gay Man Still Transphobic

In a surprising story that reporters did not even realize was possible, 27-year-old gay man Peter Sadwell is transphobic even though he’s literally gay himself, which is a little bit the same as being trans.


What the fuck? How could this happen? Aren’t “gay” and “trans” a united front always?


Reporters got wind of this story when Peter liked and commented on a video where a comedian referred to trans women as “basically just guys.” This was an odd thing for him to do considering he’s gay, which means he must experience solidarity with all other marginalized people unequivocally.


“I saw that Peter liked the video and was confused because he’s gay, so he always ‘gets it,’ you know?” said Peter’s trans friend Yvette Ruiz. “I didn’t even realize it was possible for a gay man like him to be transphobic, because the LGBTQ+ community is a monolith where a member of any group is trusted to speak on behalf of everyone else. And we have always said that!”


A quick look into Peter’s past confirms he definitely is and has always been trans-exclusionary. 


In April 2020 he tweeted, “Vaginas are disgusting – I have never met a man with one and never will!” Reporters confirm this was a weird hill to die on considering COVID was dominating the newscycle at the time.


“You might think that because I’m gay and have experienced homophobia on the basis of not conforming to a societally-expected ideal of manhood, I would have empathy for others, especially those trying to fight gender stereotypes,” he told reporters. “Not the case! I actually find the idea of a man transitioning to be a woman and then living her life in peace to be very disturbing. A boy is anyone who’s dick I want to suck!”



The horror didn’t stop there: Reporters spent a mere seven minutes talking to Peter and quickly realized he’s not just transphobic but is also misogynistic, xenophobic, and coincidentally afraid of spiders, but that felt less relevant. 


“I’m a simple man, okay?” He continued. “I just want gay people to be able to get married and have kids and for those kids to have to stay the gender they were assigned at birth whether that makes them want to die or not. At the very least, if you’re a trans woman, you have to be a girly-girl, and if you are a trans man, you have to be a plumber. These are the rules!”