In an incredible tale of obstinately bad decision making, 25-year-old Justice Holmes goes through the same process every menstrual cycle: after a heavy five days, she decides to move from tampons to just rawdogging her underwear on the homestretch, and she’s not going to change.
“Grabbing a panty liner, taking it out of the package, and then sticking it on your underwear just takes so much time and energy,” Justice says. “I’d rather just ruin a few pairs of underwear instead.”
But isn’t buying more underwear every month super expensive compared to wearing disposable panty liners? Justice disagrees.
“It’s not like I ruin my good underwear -– I have underwear that is specifically for bleeding on. They’re just different packs from Walgreens,” Justice tells us.
“I probably spend like $15 on them every month,” she adds. “But at least it’s not a whole thing like acquiring and using panty liners.”
Despite Justice’s confidence in her strategy, there are some critics in her life.
“I always ask her why she doesn’t just invest in period underwear,” says a friend, Lacey Stewart. “I have so many pairs and I can just free bleed all I want. It’s awesome!”
But Justice isn’t letting that sort of “logic” get her down.
“Why would I do that when I can just keep buying more cheap underwear?” Justice argues. “Also, I like going to the drugstore. The act of buying something I’m going to throw away immediately afterwards actually soothes my cramps.”
Hard to argue with that! And Justice’s pattern of destroying things with her period blood also doesn’t stop there.
“Every month I buy new pants, dresses, skirts, and sheets, because my period always catches me by surprise,” she explains. “I always think that my period only lasts five days, even though it’s longer than a week absolutely every month. But that’s okay! I like to keep my wardrobe up to date anyway.”
Even though we’d like to see Justice just buy some fucking panty liners instead of ruining her underwear every month, we have to go give it up for her nonconformist and unsustainable approach to feminine hygiene!