Wow! This Woman Jerked Off Without a Vibrator Like it’s the 1920s

While slow living and a DIY ethos have made a prominent return during Covid, Katya Beric took it to the next level this week when she jerked off without a vibrator like it’s the 1920s or something!


“It’s true,” says Katya. “I own a vibrator of course, but inspiration struck, and I was just like, okay I guess I’m doing this manually tonight.”


Will Katya also be churning butter by hand and using a rooster as an alarm clock? Because this lady seems to have traveled back to an era prior to the proliferation of consumer technology, which wouldn’t really be the 1920s, but you get the idea!


“At the time, I didn’t really think of what I was doing as noteworthy,” she says. “I was more so motivated from a place of horniness and the fact that my vibrator was really far away from my bed.”


Did the clocks just turn back 100 years? Because we didn’t even know getting off with your own hand and fingers was possible in the 21st century.


“It was definitely quite a bit more labor-intensive than I’m used to,” Katya says. “But the experience was gratifying, both in the traditional sense and in that it made me feel a connection and great respect for my fore-masturbators.”



It is humbling to think back to those who lived in an inhospitable time before the vibrator’s widespread accessibility, and Katya’s symbolic act reminds us all of how recent those dark ages really were.


“At the end of the day, I’m not a luddite,” she says. “I can acknowledge the historical significance of jerking off by hand, but when the technology exists to go forward more efficiently, why not use it? Plus, it’s so, so much easier.”


“Actually masturbating without a vibrator is so earthy and anachronistic, it actually feels sort of perverse,” Katya adds. “So I guess go for it if you get off on that sort of thing!”


Here’s to the frisky and nostalgic! May they jerk off like it’s the gosh-dang 1920s forevermore!