Women’s Work: 5 Careers You May Not Have Considered

Cheryl - Reductress

When one considers jobs traditionally held by women, nursing is always near the top of the list. Also making that list would be:

  • Stewardess (Er… airline attendant)
  • Secretary
  • School teacher
  • Daycare worker (Really, no one would drop their kid off at a daycare full of forty-something year old, bearded men.)

But the best of these jobs may well be nursing. 90% of nurses in the U.S. are women. Perhaps it is because of social stigma. Perhaps women are just better at it. Who Knows? Who cares? It is one of the best jobs available. And it tends to survive bad economies.


If you are looking for a solid career, particularly if you’re hoping to replace the career you currently have, one of the best things you can do for yourself is enroll in one of those online accelerated nursing programs. These programs will allow you to either start from scratch, or quickly ad a BSN to your current degree. Like any job worth having, the highest positions in nursing require advanced education in addition to hard work and dedication. Online accelerated programs are your ticket to getting there much faster than a traditional program.


But why should you confine your career options to traditional women’s work? This is the 21st Century. We can be whatever we want to be. Even the sky is no longer the limit:



The first woman in space made the trip in 1963. That woman was Soviet cosmonaut, Valentina Tereshkova. As of 2013, over 10% of space  professionals have been women. That means that there is a higher percentage of female astronauts than there are male nurses.

Female pilots have not faired nearly so well. Only about 5% of pilots are women. Women have roughly twice the chance to become a ship’s captain or, yes, astronaut. So don’t be limited by the sky. Rocket past it with an even better career.


Police Officer

According to Police Chief Magazine, about 14% of police are women. That compares poorly to women making up about half the population. Demographic representation may not be important for everything, but in matters of law enforcement, it is extremely important.


Right now in the U.S., there seems to be an epidemic of testosterone-driven, police brutality being leveled against minorities. These crimes against unarmed citizens seem to never involve female police officers. Ladies, that is reason enough to sign up at the police academy nearest you.



Rwanda is number 1. Tiny Andorra is second, followed by Cuba in the third position. In this ranking of percentage of female legislators by country, there are 98 ahead of the U.S. with 18% for the lower house, and 20% for the upper. When it comes to gender equality in politics, our record isn’t even close to acceptable.


Financial Advisor

In 2013, Financial Advisor Magazine stated, Female financial advisors are in a better position for future success than their male counterparts, according to PriceMetrix.”


They listed the following success factors:

  • Women have clients with more assets.
  • Women price their services more consistently.
  • Women service more female investors than male advisors.

At risk of falling into a gender-based stereotype, it seems household budget and financial matters are traditionally the woman’s domain. Who in their right mind would put a man in charge of finances? If there is any male-dominated career more suited for women than financial advisor, it escapes me.


Leader of the Free World

History is replete with queens and matriarchs. There is no evidence that the world goes to hell in a hand-basket when women are in charge. If, however, such an eventuality were to take place, I have no doubt that it would be a tastefully designed hand-basket.


When parents and teachers wanted to encourage boys who had potential, they would tell them that they could be anything they wanted to be, including president of the United States. Such encouragement was never given to girls. The time has come for women to stop thinking of careers as women’s work or men’s work. The only kind of work is just plain old work. Go to it.