Lots of millennials are looking for ways to plan for their future retirement, and if it will even be possible. But not Casey Browner: Her entire financial plan is to save nothing while patiently waiting for both her parents to die.
“I’m still paying off my student loans on a 30-year plan, and I can barely save any money at the end of the month,” says Browner. “But my parents have a house and I think they own some stocks, so I think I can work with that.”
54-year-old Louis Browner and 52-year-old Sharon Browner remain healthy and very unaware of this plan.
“We love our daughter very much,” says Louis, who runs 15 miles a week. “And we hope that we raised her to be independent and responsible to take care of herself, just like we did.”
While Casey faces larger obstacles than her parents did at her age, relying solely on her parent’s death for future subsistence has taken a toll on her personally.
“I’m not like, excited for them to die, I just hope that it’s like, at a reasonable time and covered by insurance, you know? This is what every daughter hopes for.”
As her parents slowly decline, Casey hopes to move them into a smaller apartment that can be paid for with their Social Security – something she could never dream of experiencing herself.
“It all sounds a little sad and desperate,” says Casey’s friend, Timothy Shannon. “But compared to most of my friends, this is actually the most solid plan I’ve heard.”
At press time, Casey appeared somewhat uncomfortable as she realized her great-grandmother just turned 102.