Woman Who Muted Ex Completes Daily Pilgrimage to Their Instagram

24-year-old Gracie Harrison muted her ex, Dina Mufdi, on Instagram about four weeks ago, a bold and mature step that she disregards every single day to instead actively visit Dina’s account and “see what’s going on.”


“I knew it would be best for my mental health if her Instagram posts weren’t popping up on my feed willy-nilly,” she told reporters gathered at the scene as she scrolled back to Dina’s posts from 2018, reliving their memories together. “I wanted to avoid seeing Dina’s stories against my will, so now I make the conscious choice to view them from my burner account every couple of hours instead.”


Gracie maintained that this is a lot better because now she’s choosing to do this to herself.


“That makes it feel better. Right?” she asked reporters. “Like, that sounds like it feels better to you guys?”


To reporters, this actually sounded a lot worse, but who are they to judge? 


Gracie readily admitted another motivation for muting her ex was to avoid seeming like she was stalking – and therefore “losing the breakup” – by showing up in Dina’s story views all the time. 


“I have avoided this by taking several steps to create and maintain a burner account, so she has no clue I’m the one looking, which is really important to me,” Gracie continued. “She should know I don’t care at all. Which I don’t. And the fact that I’m not looking at her stuff unless I want to – which happens about every 45 minutes – proves that. I’m completely in control.”


Gracie now posts about once a week from the burner account to make sure it looks like a real person independent from herself. 


“Sure, it’s a lot of upkeep just to seem like I don’t care about my ex and how she’s doing and whether she’s dating someone knew,” she continued. “But it’s not that much work once you factor it all into your regular schedule.” 



Gracie then paused to post a sunset on the burner account’s story to give the impression she was a middle-aged woman or another person of that ilk. 


As of press time, Dina had posted a photo with someone’s hand in the corner, suggesting a timid soft launch of a new relationship depending on how you read into it. Upon seeing this, Gracie went silent for about two hours and cued “Pressure to Party” by Julia Jacklin 14 times.