QUIZ: What Will It Take for This Country to Have a Revolution?

After protesting the lack of gun control in America, the murder of Black people at the hands of the police, the government’s pandemic response, abortion rights being taken away, critical race theory not being taught in schools, right-wing supreme court justices being appointed by the President, the “Don’t Say Gay” rule, the widespread murder of trans people in America, and many other horrible acts of the government, many are wondering, “What will it take for this country to have a good ol’ fashioned revolution?” Take the quiz below to find out!


What’s an acceptable death according to the U.S. government?

  1. If the victim was murdered with a gun.
  2. If the victim wasn’t white.
  3. If the victim wasn’t cis/straight.


Why are you afraid of organizing?

  1. Because of the insanely huge budget of the military in America.
  2. Because I have to go to work.
  3. Because I’m traumatized from doing it before and nothing changing at all.


Why is the government afraid of us revolting?

  1. Because there’s more of us than there are of them.
  2. Because they know that they’re wrong.
  3. Because they’re due for a reckoning.




Mostly 1s: Alien invasion. After enduring through tragedy after tragedy, it seems like the only thing that will maybe help us change the fucked up system we’re living in is if something from beyond our planet intervenes. I want to believe!


Mostly 2s: Another pandemic. When coronavirus first started to spread, it caused a rare phenomenon where lots of people didn’t have to go to work anymore, which also allowed them to protest more than ever before. Maybe monkeypox will be next! Fingers crossed!


Mostly 3s: When almost everyone has died from gun violence and the only thing left are the guns. After witnessing another elementary school shooting with no plans or legislation put forward by politicians to stop it, it looks like there might only be some change when almost everyone in America has died from gun violence. Or maybe just when a politician is affected! Whichever comes first!