QUIZ: Is He Hanging With Teens Because He Can’t Hang With People His Own Age or Definitely the First Thing?

man leaning wall

If a man in his 30s wants to hang out with you – a teen – you might find yourself excited, even flattered by the prospect. You feel special! After all, he – a cool, older guy – wants to hang out with you. But what’s this? Almost all of his friends are also teens? Take this quiz to find out if he’s hanging with teens because he can’t make friends his own age or definitely, 100%, absolutely the first thing. 


How does he dress?

1. He exclusively wears 80s band t-shirts, and the rest of his wardrobe is 90% backwards snapbacks. He has one single hoop earring but keeps telling people it’s “not in a gay way.” 

2. He’s got a pretty updated style, and it’s all his own! Classy and sleek. I’d say he dresses like a typical 33-year-old. 


Where does he spend most of his time?

1. At the college bar he frequented in his early twenties. He says it “keeps him young.” Aside from that, he spends a lot of time at the park in the middle of campus! 

2. At age-appropriate locations like the office and the bank! He is an upstanding citizen who just happens to be mostly friends with teens. Nothing wrong with that…right?


Have you ever seen him hanging out with someone his own age?

1. Nope! But why should he be? He calls himself a “new soul trapped in an old body.” Isn’t that cute? You wouldn’t get it. 

2. Also no. But I don’t think that’s weird! It’s not weird, is it?


How does he explain his lack of age-appropriate friends?

1. He says they just don’t “get him” the way younger people like me do. Because they’re all sucked into the nine-to-five grind and no longer know how to have a good time, which is one of his core values. 

2. He hasn’t really brought it up! I only noticed over time that he doesn’t seem to have any friends from work or college or…really anywhere, now that I think of it. 


How often has he called you “special”?

1. Too many times to count. 

2. Yeah, absolutely same here.




Mostly 1s: This guy clearly cannot hang with people his own age, and you should run. I know it’s fun to hang out with an “older guy” but when you’re older and meet other “older guys,” you’ll know why this is weird. Just trust us.

Mostly 2s: Look, he’s putting on a good show, but it’s still definitely the first thing. He can’t hang out with anyone his own age! It doesn’t matter that he has good taste! Run, girl, run!