QUIZ: Is He a Thoughtful, Considerate Person in Touch With His Feminine Side or Is He Just Crossing His Legs?

So, you’ve spotted a beautiful man, and your mind is running wild. There’s just something about him that screams “male feminist,” but in, like, a real way! You can’t help it; you see a real future with this guy. He seems kind, thoughtful, even…sensitive? But before you rush into anything and find yourself duped by another fuckboy, it’s time to ask the important questions. Take this quiz to find out if he really is a thoughtful, considerate soul in touch with his feminine side or if he’s literally just crossing his legs. 


What about him suggests he’s “not like other guys”?

  1. Well, I can see that he’s reading Susan Sontag, but he’s not making a big deal of it, so that’s a great sign. He also has an adorable puppy who seems to be obsessed with him. 
  2. He’s just got this vibe that I can’t quite place! I think it’s the fact that he’s not afraid to cross his legs even though he is a man. 


Has he said anything to you?

  1. Yes! He complimented me on my thrifted sweater vest and very politely asked if I lived in the area. 
  2. No, but he sure is letting those lanky little legs do the talking. 


Do any of your friends know him?

  1. Yes! I immediately texted my best friend Sidd and she said she knew him from their pottery seminar! Sounds like he’s a real class act.  
  2. Nope, but I have a feeling my parents will love him. Don’t know why – just a hunch. 


Are his nails painted?

  1. No.
  2. Yes. Performatively. Is that bad?


Are there any red flags you can already see?

  1. Nope. Everyone who passes him by seems to know and love him, and he has the cutest smile. 
  2. He’s barefoot in a place of business. But that being said…his bare feet are crossed in a really adorable way. 





Mostly 1s: He seems like a genuinely thoughtful, considerate person in touch with his feminine side! It’s such a beautiful thing when a man isn’t afraid to express the parts of himself that lie on all ends of the gender spectrum. You should go for it, girl! And quick!


Mostly 2s: He’s literally just crossing his legs, which is making you think he’s someone he absolutely is not. Yes, a man crossing his legs is hot. Yes, it makes it seem like he has a “devil-may-care” attitude towards gender norms. But no, you should not take this any further. In fact, the other stuff about him is extremely concerning, and we think you should run.