Proving that, with a bit of determination, we can accomplish even the most demanding of tasks, 23-year-old Nicole Benson just journaled for the first time in six months, so she should be all set for the next ten months.
Nice job! Put that pen down and take a well-deserved break, girl!
“I love reading my old journal entries and getting snapshots of how I was feeling at different times in my life,” Nicole told reporters while leaning back in her chair and fiddling with her pencil like some sort of professor. “It’s great to get it all down, you know? So I decided I should start journaling again! Just spent 15 minutes doing a big recap, which means I should be good to quit for the next ten or so.”
By “the next ten or so,” Nicole confirmed she was referring to months on the Gregorian calendar.
Nicole’s latest journal entry includes some sweeping summaries like, “moved to New York last month!” as well as specificities like, “had cereal for breakfast today,” neither of which will be particularly compelling on the re-read.
“Journaling just opens your mind to a world of possibilities,” said Nicole, who will not touch this notebook again until next fall, at which point she’ll probably just read this entry and put it back. “It feels awesome to word dump and get ready to be creative for the day.”
Sources confirm this single journal has lasted her from ages 16 to 23, with the average timespan between entries clocking in at 7.5 months.
Nicole maintains that she does her best to write consistently, but it’s difficult because “journaling is literally so boring, and it makes my hand hurt.” Therefore, her journal is full of extreme ups and downs, as she only ever journals when she’s really happy or really sad.
“Sure, if you looked at my life from the lens of this ‘living document,’” she continued. “It would seem pretty bad. Lots of tears on these pages. But isn’t that what journaling is about?”
Uh, sure, girl! Probably!
“Who knows? Maybe this time will be different,” Nicole continued, looking off into the distance. “I’ll probably journal tomorrow, even.”
Several sources close to her confirm that she will not.
As of press time, Nicole retroactively wrote “journal” on her to-do list – which she also only uses every few months – then crossed it off immediately.