Impressive! This Woman Didn’t Ask to Hit Her Friend’s Vape for the Entire Hang

In an inspiring story about overcoming life’s hardships, 24-year-old Kelsey Harris hung out with her friend who vapes at a local beach without asking for a single hit for the entire length of the outing.


Okay, queen of boundaries!


“I honestly don’t know how I got through it, but I’m super proud of myself,” Kelsey told reporters while beaming. “I restrained myself for a full four hours and 27 minutes. Plus, we were literally at the beach.”


Wow! She might just be the most disciplined woman in the world!


Kelsey’s friend, Melissa Greene, who owns the vape Kelsey is constantly asking for like a baby who desperately needs milk, shared her enthusiasm for Kelsey’s impressive restraint.


“I’m thrilled for her, and for me. It’s been a long time coming,” Melissa told reporters. “I couldn’t keep carrying the burden of vaping for the both of us. We hang out a lot, and I’m pretty sure more than half of the vape juice gets used up by her.”


“I was actually prepared to ask her to buy me a new vape if she asked for a hit today,” she continued. “Thank god I don’t have to have that confrontation anymore.”


Aww! Looks like this friendship will live another day!


However, despite Kelsey’s victory, she maintains that it definitely wasn’t easy. In fact, it was one of the most difficult things she’s ever done in her life.


“I couldn’t even keep track of what people were talking about,” Kelsey added. “All I could really do was stare at Melissa’s Lemon Mint flavored vape the whole time, which is my favorite flavor, by the way. I guess I could’ve gone in the water to remove myself, but I honestly forgot that we were at the beach.”



As of press time, Kelsey had exclaimed that she would “never ask anyone for a hit of their vape again.” She later revealed that this was only possible because she had purchased her own.


“Everyone is responsible for their own happiness,” Kelsey said. “I freed myself from gesturing for my friends vape by finally getting one myself, and I’m never looking back!”


Wow! So healthy!