How To Explain To Your Boss You’re Looking At Empowering Female Nudes And Not Porn

Sometimes it takes some extra inspiration to get through the long workday, and nothing cures that mood like looking through beautiful, affirming photos of women’s bodies. And yeah, sometimes the women in the photos just so happen to be totally nude, but that’s what makes those photos powerful. If your boss gives you lip about looking at so-called “porn” at work, here’s how to explain this isn’t about porn, it’s empowerment.


Don’t Get Embarrassed And Close Your Tabs

Don’t back down from having these photos open, even if it is on your work laptop. If you close your tabs, you’re admitting that you’re looking at something that you shouldn’t be looking at. Instead, make sure you and your boss take a long hard look at them together. Talk about how these women’s beautiful curves and unapologetic expressions help you be more productive and inspired. Ask him how they make him feel, and if he says “horny”, tell him he’s the one with the HR problem, and confidently get back to looking at photos of brave nude women.


Threaten to Quit if Women Are “Not Safe For Work”

Ask your boss if the fact that it’s a woman makes him uncomfortable. Question him on what makes him so uncomfortable about the body of a woman that it’s “not safe for work”. You’ll then want to say something like, “If women are so not safe work, maybe I should just quit??” At this point, he’ll be uncomfortable enough to just walk away so you can get back to looking at beautiful nudes of all shapes and sizes!


Start a Debate on Nudity in Art

Pull up photos of nude paintings, like famous ones by Matisse and Picasso, and very loudly ask, “OH, NOW I GUESS THIS IS PORN TOO?” You can turn this into a very long discussion about what art is or isn’t. Make sure to hit buzzwords like “post-modernism” and “intentionality” while pointing at those gorgeous boobies you’ve been gawking at for hours. Your boss will be so exhausted by the debate and your mental fortitude, he’ll give up and not bother you about the photos, which means you can get right back to your Chobani and nudes.



Watch Actual Porn With Your Co-Workers

This one’s just for fun!


Now get to work and pull up those empowering-as-fuck nudes. Soon you’ll be the CEO in the corner office with photos of beautiful, body-positive photos proudly hanging on those walls. Get it, girl!