You probably know that yoga can strengthen your core and improve your balance, but did you also know that it can also be great for getting the jizz out of your orifices? But if you are looking to shove-asana some jizz out of that hole, look no further than the ancient practice of yoga! These three poses should have you expending that cum in no time:
Chair pose
Begin from a standing position and sit back into a squat with your arms extended next to your ears. Remember to tuck your tailbone under to protect your lower back and hold the pose for at least a minute to allow the jizzum to slide out of your vagina and/or anus. Also great for your glutes!
Begin in tabletop position on all fours (this might feel familiar!) and flow between tucking your chin while rounding your back, and extending your head and neck while arching your back. Get the momentum going here – make it an active pose that warms up your core muscles and maybe also your thighs as the still-warm seed is propelled down them. This will get the jizz out.
Wide-legged forward fold
Stand with your legs wide and your toes facing forward. Hinge at the hips to slowly lower your upper body in a controlled manner. There are many variations you can take once in your fold, but be mindful of where you position your head, as placing it right under the jizz could be a recipe for disaster.
Make sure you take time to rest at the end of your practice and reflect on your intention, which was to get the spunk out of your holes and nothing more. If you didn’t get it all out this time, it’s okay! Remember that yoga is a personal practice and you shouldn’t compare yourself to other people who may have been getting the jizz out this way for years, or people who are just naturally more jizz-expelling. Remember: Yoga is a journey, not a destination – especially when jizz is involved.