Yikes! Retail Therapy Cheaper Than Actual Therapy

Experts agree that therapy is an excellent way to take care of your mental health. However, with the current state of the American healthcare system, Aditi Kothari has been forced to face a bleak truth: Buying things is just as helpful at managing her mental and emotional wellbeing as a therapy session, but at a fraction of the cost. 


“My co-pay for my last therapist’s session was $60, which was fine because I came out of it feeling better and more confident about myself,” Aditi told reporters. “But then I stopped by a Madewell and tried on this really cute top that made me feel just as good. And it was only $30!”


While Aditi admits that going to therapy the past few years has made her happier and has given her a more positive outlook on life, she explained that purchasing new things sparked an equal amount of joy, at a cheaper and quicker rate.


“Every time I look at the new plant I bought, I get filled with a sense of comfort that honestly took years to achieve in therapy. Like, why even invest all that time and money? It took me two minutes to pay a guy at the farmer’s market $5 for this plant.”


She has a point!


Since this realization, Aditi has stuck to retail therapy over regular therapy appointments and has reported thousands in savings.



“Now, whenever I’m sad or anxious or feeling bad about myself, I just wander around Target and I feel better in, like, ten minutes tops,” said the 24-year-old. “I just dropped $200 on shit I absolutely don’t need and that’s still cheaper than a month of therapy. Which is saying something, because I’m still on my parent’s premium insurance plan!”


She has since become a big advocate for dropping therapy for shopping sprees.


“It’s honestly changed my life. Screw all that ‘Don’t buy lattes’ bullshit – replacing actual therapy with retail therapy is the real budget hack. I’ve never been so happy and financially sound at the same time!”