Woman Becomes Yoga Instructor Five Months After Starting Yoga

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Lily Pilson, of Danbury CT, has astounded acquaintances by becoming a fully certified yoga instructor just five months after taking up an interest in the practice.


“This has really caught me off-guard,” says best friend Talia Shepherd. “It seems like yesterday that she was thinking of taking a yoga class, and suddenly she’s doing her teacher training in the Berkshires and teaching the same class we just started taking. I didn’t know this could happen so fast.”



Family members are equally confused: “Lily keeps referring to herself as a ’yogi,’” says her aunt, Katherine Hynes. “But just a couple of weeks ago, she was working at Proctor & Gamble.”


Pilson’s new students seem impressed. “I can tell that she’s deeply spiritual and really understands the way energy flows through the body,” says Marcia Dawson, who began taking classes at the Floating Lotus studio this past week. “Actually, she’s inspired me to think about the possibility of becoming an instructor myself.”