The Conversation Pit Is Back! Here’s Why I Filled Mine With Rattlesnakes

The conversation pit was a staple of 70s interior design, and now this dreamy homescape is making a welcome return! Characterized by a sunken portion of floor, the conversation pit is the perfect place for a shag rug, an MCM sectional, and deep talks with close friends. But that take on the convo pit has sort of been done before, and that’s why I decided to fill mine with a pile of highly venomous rattlesnakes.


While the traditional conversation pit is meant to be conducive to conversation, my snake-infested death pit absolutely demands it! As soon as people enter the warm light of my pristinely designed living room, they stop saying inane things like “How’s work going?” and start saying meaningful things like, “Oh, fuck. What the fuck? Are those hundreds of slithering, angry snakes?” and “Why is the door out of here locked?!”


It’s a welcome reprieve from soul-sucking small talk! Who wouldn’t welcome that?!



Often groups form deeper social bonds through the sharing of secrets, but why wait till your new friend is three glasses of wine deep so she’ll tell everyone about getting gay fingered at summer camp? Get a group of people trying to outrun and/or outsmart a pit of poorly-cared-for and highly illegal snakes, and you’ll have shy Tamara confessing her most shameful sins before her God and your other friend Zan with whom you always wanted her to be closer!


Some people say my conversation pit full of deathly rattlesnakes is “psychological torture” or “disqualifies me from renter’s insurance”, but I simply don’t agree with any of that. It’s just my own spin on a cute trend, and yeah, the snakes can slither up the stares so you may as well hop in the pit because they’re coming for you either way!


So if you’re on the fence about totally remodeling your home to have a conversation pit, I say go for it, but only if you know how it really make it you! I do that by creating an indie horror setup every time I have friends over, and no one has ever complained about it, because whining upsets the snakes, which can be very dangerous.