REPORT: Everyone Can See That You’re Singing the Alphabet Song in Your Head to Remember the Order of the Letters

A report emerging from the bookstore you’re browsing through confirms that everyone you’re with can tell you’re singing the Alphabet Song in your head to remember the order of the letters.


Sources confirmed that it was extremely obvious what you were doing once you paused in front of a row of books and stared blankly into the distance with your lips moving slightly.


“It was super clear she was singing the Alphabet Song in her head,” your friend Jade told reporters. “She said she knew the book she was looking for when we came in here, so why would she need to stop and stand in the middle of the store with a glazed look on her face for a good 15 seconds.”


After hearing these reports, you were quick to deny the allegations, saying, “I wasn’t singing the Alphabet Song! I was just saying the letters in my head. To a melody. Fuck.”


Other sources at the scene agreed that it was not only super obvious what you were doing, but also very embarrassing.


“She came in here looking for the latest James Patterson book,” your friend Scarlett told reporters. “Obviously, that was a red flag in and of itself, but I was willing to overlook it. However, when she stood in front of the bookshelf and scanned the last names of the authors while quite clearly singing the Alphabet Song in her head, I just couldn’t let that slide.”


Dani, another friend you were with at the time, said she experienced so much second-hand embarrassment from your actions that she had to step out of the store and get some fresh air.


“I wouldn’t ever be caught dead singing the Alphabet Song in my head,” she said. “Mostly because I know that T comes right after R without even having to think about it.”



After briefly going through the letters in their head, reporters confirmed that was, in fact, not the correct order. However, Dani was not available for comment as she had immediately turned bright red and fled from the scene.


According to the report, everyone in your friend group was hyper aware of your inner monologue and it fundamentally changed the way they view you.


However, as of press time, another one of your friends had decided they wanted to buy a book, but had approached one of the employees to help them find it instead of searching for it themselves, which everyone found to be way more embarrassing than your whole Alphabet Song thing.