QUIZ: Is He Into You or Is He Just Texting Because You Hit His Car?

So, your crush finally hit up your phone, and you’re giddy about it –– congrats! It’s important not to get ahead of yourself, though, because a text could mean anything! Is he reaching out because he’s looking for love or for some other, unknown reason? Take this quiz to find out if he’s into you or if he’s just texting because you hit his car and the two of you exchanged numbers and insurance information such that you could be in contact to settle any damages.


Is this his first message to you?

  1. No! We’ve been texting back and forth pretty consistently ever since we met, so I’m thinking there might be more to this than platonic friendship.
  2. Yes! But listen, when sparks fly, they fly. Sparks also fly when two metal cars impact one another at speed, as happened with us, but that’s beside the point.


What’s the tone of his message?

  1. He’s being flirty as hell! It’d be cringey if I weren’t already so into him, but I am, so it’s cute.
  2. He keeps using formal language like “I wish to settle my claim” and won’t stop threatening to get “the authorities involved.” Do you think that’s a sex thing? I’m not ready for a threesome.


How would you describe the vibes between you two?

  1. Really good so far! Definitely sexual, but beyond that, there are friendship vibes, too, which I think is really important.
  2. My vibe is flirty, but his vibe is more “angry about the fact that his trunk is concave.”


Where did you guys first meet?

  1. At a mutual friend’s costume party!
  2. On the shoulder of the I-95!


Are you texting often?

  1. Yes! It seems like he’s finding any and every excuse to talk to me.
  2. Yes! It seems like he’s finding any and every excuse to confirm my insurance is valid and up to date.





Mostly 1s: He’s into you! He won’t stop texting because he wants to kiss you, goddamn it! Find some way to take this flirtation offline and into real life, because the vibes are definitely there!


Mostly 2s: He’s definitely just texting you because you owe him a significant amount of money for hitting his car. Really uncool. But who knows? Maybe this could blossom into something more once you pay off all the damages and get his property repaired! There are worse origin stories.