Niece Wondering if She Can Play Tinder on Your Phone Again

In a developing story out of your sister’s living room, your little niece Addy is asking if she can play Tinder on your phone again.


“The first time she did this, it was so humiliating,” you told reporters. “She essentially just called me out in front of my entire extended family for scrolling through Tinder during Easter brunch, but I would’ve just brushed it off had it just been that one incident. Unfortunately, she keeps doing it.”


Sources confirmed that Addy won’t let it go because “it’s unfair that Auntie gets to play games at the dinner table and I can’t,” and “Mommy always told me to share.”


You told reporters that on this occasion, the guilt finally made you cave.


“At first, I was defensive,” you said. “She totally clocked me. I did play Tinder on my phone like it was a game. So I was like, ‘No, Addy, it’s not a game, it’s grown up stuff.’”


You continued, “But who was I kidding? It absolutely is a game, and if my niece wants to play it with me, why should I rob her and myself of that valuable auntie-niece bonding time? So, when she asked me again if she could play Tinder on my phone, I was like, you know what? Yeah, yeah you can.”


Addy’s mom, Katie, said she was a little bit wary at first. 


“It didn’t seem like a good idea,” she said. “I know my sister wants to be the cool aunt, but there are other ways of doing that than subjecting my eight-year-old daughter to Dave’s wedding-dog-baseball-themed Tinder profile.”


However, you told reporters that after scrolling with Addy for a few minutes, Katie finally warmed up to the idea.


“I saw that it was just a harmless activity and Addy really did think it was just a silly game,” Katie said. “She even roasted a few of the guys’ Tinder profiles, which I love. Plus, it was sweet to watch my younger sister and my daughter bond over tearing men on the Internet down.”


At press time, you told reporters you and Addy had plans of playing other games on your phone, including “Venmo requesting people who’ve wronged me” and “DMing celebrities on Instagram asking to be friends”. The two of you have never been closer.