How to Pick Up Guys at the Gym and Throw Them

Some people naively think the gym is a place you go to work out alone, channel some energy, release some endorphins, and go home. Those people are fools. The gym is all about interaction with other people! If guys can interrupt your set to tell you that you seem really cool and they’d like to hang out sometime, you can do the same. Here’s how you can pick up guys at the gym and then, consequently, throw them.


Identify your target.

Picking up guys at the gym and throwing them is all about making sure you’ve done your research. You can’t pick up just any guy – you’ve got to make sure he’s Mr. Right! Is he doing a set all by himself? Does he look like he’s in the zone and wouldn’t want to talk? Is he struggling a bit, considering the weights are pretty heavy and he’s pretty small? That’s your guy! You can either use this method of seeking out a man to throw or just wait for a man to, unprompted, approach you. This should happen within 10 minutes of your arrival.


Make small talk.

You don’t want the throwing to come out of nowhere, but even more than that, you don’t want to seem like a huge bitch, do you? That’s what we thought. So maybe chill for a goddamn second and talk to this guy! He’s just trying to make conversation and asking extremely intimate things in a public setting. Would it kill you to give him a chance? He’s probably kind of a nice guy! Don’t worry – the throwing will come soon.


Lift with your knees.

When the time is right – preferably right as he asks for your number – this classic gym mantra will save you from tweaking your back as you lift your man into the air and hurl him across the room. Correct form is so important! Align your spine, take a deep breath, and chuck him on the exhale.




The final step is making it seem like this was some sort of huge accident. OMG! You didn’t even mean to throw him with excessive force into a weight rack. You’re just so unable to control your girl arms and assumed you had measly girl strength. Who could blame you? Anyway, back to your solo workout!


Follow these simple steps and you’ll be getting some real air in no time, or rather, the man you’re throwing will be!