How to Make Your Clothes Fit Like They Fit Skater Boys by Transitioning

One of the pitfalls of dressing masculinely as a woman is that unfortunately, clothes often do not fall on the feminine shape the same way they fall on, say, a 6’1 skater boy. You may find yourself at wits end, wondering why your baggy jeans do not fit the way a skater boy’s jeans fit, why your shirts don’t fall as effortlessly as they do on “Max from the park,” or why you generally feel like a stranger to yourself. But now, there is a solution! This is how you can make your clothes fit like they fit skater boys by simply transitioning.


First: go baggy.

The transition that you will inevitably experience does not happen all at once, of course! To start, maybe experiment with some loose-fitting clothing. See how it doesn’t hug certain parts of your body – like your chest, hips, and butt – as much? Interesting, right! And, purely curious here, how would you say that makes you feel?


Consult a therapist.

This brings us to the next step towards making your clothes fit like they fit boys: contacting a medical professional to really get to the bottom of all this gender stuff you appear to be going through. Part of the skater boy look is mental, after all! As in: it seems like mentally you might feel like a boy. No pressure, though! Just a thought. Just an idea. No need to make any sudden movements. This is just about fashion, after all!


Try a new pronoun on for size.

Huh, such a crazy idea here, and this literally just came to us, but what if you tried out a new pronoun? Seems like it could be fun, right! Feel free to start slow – she/they, even – and build from there if that feels honest to you. We have a feeling it might feel honest to you. Just a hunch. Skater boy fits, here you come!


Chop the tits!

After sitting with all of the above for as long as you need, a surefire way to get that loose fit up top is to simply knock your knockers back to Timbuktu, as the phrase goes. You’ll be surprised at how quickly you get that casual, tit-less look once you no longer have tits. Who could have guessed? Feel free to do all the other transition stuff, too! You’re on your own timeline, bud.



There you have it! Congrats on nailing the laid-back skater look by simply going through the long and arduous but ultimately fulfilling process of transition. Next up, we’ll teach the boys how to nail that “clean girl” aesthetic by doing the same thing the other way!