How to be More Like Emily in Paris When You’re Feeling Like Courtney in Rochester  

emily in paris next to woman

It can be hard to feel as glamorous as the main character in the popular show, Emily in Paris. When we’re hardly able to leave our own country or even our own sweatpants, we may be left feeling like Emily’s slightly more boring friend from her sorority who never left Rochester after graduation. Here’s how to channel your inner “Emily in Paris” when you’re feeling more like Courtney in Rochester right now.


Put Effort Into Your Outfit!

Even if you’re working from home, putting a little extra effort into your outfit can help make you feel beautiful throughout the day. And if you want to be just like Emily, make sure it’s an outfit that no mid-level marketing manager could ever afford without going into massive debt. Voilà!



Increase your Instagram Presence in a Way that Doesn’t Meaningfully Further the Plot of Your Life

Sure, you might only have a few hundred followers right now. But if you put just a little effort into making your life seem just a little bit more interesting than everyone else, your followers will come flocking! Even if there’s no clear story arc in your life where your growing Instagram presence comes into play, make a little trip to Buffalo and have a night on the town, girlfriend! You might even go home with a Canadian!


Say Random French Words to Show That You ‘Get It’

Sure, Emily is a Type-A go-getter who will do anything to get ahead, but somehow that never translates into even being remotely conversational in French. To be more like Emily, just throw random French words into conversation to show people that you’re “worldly”. That might make you the most annoying person in Paris, but it might also make you the coolest person in Rochester? We don’t know – try it out!


Have no clear hopes, wants, or dreams other than the vague idea of wanting to be liked by your boss?

You’ve probably already got this one down!


So if you’re feeling kind of boring and unglamorous, try to adopt a few of Emily’s tricks, so you can transform yourself into someone who’s boring and glamorous! Bonne chance!