Can Women Have it All? Old Country Buffet Employees Weigh in

The debate has raged on from kitchens to boardrooms around the world: is there a way for women to balance a career and motherhood? We took this argument to the longtime female employees at Old Country Buffet in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania. These women witness other women try to consume and balance full plates every day, so we asked them, can women really have it all?


Danielle Scudder, mother of two and head of the carving station says, “I see it every day. Women come in here and think they can have it all, but they usually end up with a bunch of leavings on a pretty full plate.”


“The women who come in here with their kids after work are extremely wasteful,” says hostess Shania Buchanan. “They think they can have it all, but then they realize their eyes were bigger than their mouths.”



She adds: “A lot of these women have the nerve to ask for a doggy bag, which is against restaurant policy.”


Perhaps a policy change is needed to accommodate women who wish to have it all, but until that day comes, the Old Country Buffet remains a bastion of traditional American buffet values.