How I Got the Confidence to Be Sick After Just Having Been Sick

With the arrival of cold and flu season hitting the U.S. especially hard this year, sickness is on the rise, and I do not want to find myself missing out. Usually, every winter I get quite ill once and recover rather quickly. This year, I have bigger plans. Tis the season to harness the confidence to do that thing where you are sick, then just as you are getting better, you start to get sick again with something else. It’s not for the faint of heart, but here’s how I managed:


The two most important components of being sick after just having been sick is the initial onset of illness, along with sheer bravery. So even though I was just getting over my first cold, I boldly left my apartment for the first time in two years without a mask, and bam — upper respiratory symptoms! Hacking cough, throat pain, and mucus, and all thanks to my innate sense of adventure.



Once my disgusting cough began to clear, I realized I would have to dig deep if I wanted to get sick another time and fast. Confidently following my own needs and desires, I made plans to meet up with my friend Anne who had Covid last week. When I saw Anne outside the restaurant it registered that she still looked like shit, so I decided to carry on. It was in that moment I found the strength to expose my already weakened immune system to another virus.


I’m testing positive for Covid now after just having been sick but not with Covid, and I’ve never felt so empowered. I’m exceedingly pale which was a look I have actually been trying to achieve for some time because it’s making a comeback. I had to call out of work after just having called out of work last week. “Sick again?” My manager asked while also sniffling. I was confident enough to reply, “Yes, and I’m not sorry about it!”


I’d say my keys to setting the trend of repeated illnesses are grit, determination, and inflamed sinuses. Even though I’m wheezing and I got fired from my job for missing too many work days, I can’t help but feel happy about my fearless resolve to not avoid illness. But I’m also really sick so I’m thinking of waiting at least three weeks until I venture into getting a stomach virus.