Can’t Afford a Vacation? Here Are 5 Fights You Can Start With Your Loved Ones at Home

While basically everyone would love to take a vacation, unfortunately it’s not in the cards for people with financial restrictions. If you’ve been dreaming about traveling to a faraway place with a couple of your close friends or family members but don’t have the cash to do so, then try out these five different topics to start an argument with your loved ones that will feel basically the same as staying at a cramped Airbnb with them!


“Who took my shirt?”

Sure, you may still be at home, but accusing a loved one of stealing your clothes can happen just about anywhere! Simply pull up the family group chat or call a roommate meeting to get to the bottom of your missing shirt and remember to take it a bit too far by bringing up a traumatic event from the past that this is reminding you of. You’ll forget about wanting to go to the Maldives in no time!


“You’re playing favorites!”

This is the perfect argument for any family dynamic or friend group of three or more people, including pets! Just wait for anyone to start giving attention to someone who isn’t you and start listing the ways that they’re neglecting you. Who needs to go to Miami when you can end your closest friendship without spending a dime?


“Stop hogging the bathroom!”

While you can instigate this argument while waiting for the bathroom, you can also get this fight started by spending too much time in the bathroom yourself. If you choose the latter, feel free to take as long of a shower you want, blow dry your hair, shave your whole body, and do your skincare routine a couple times over! This way, you won’t even have to worry about getting a sunburn on the beach!


“You’re walking too fast!”

You can use this phrase when you’re with family or friends at a museum, while shopping, or simply during a pleasant walk in the park. While this argument may not seem as dramatic at first, it will in fact end with someone storming away and meeting up with you later, and all in your very own hometown!



“You’re walking too slow!”

Alternatively, if no one is walking too fast, this is another great way to get the staycation/public argument started. If you need to spice it up, add in the fact that you’re really hungry and need to eat as soon as possible. This will likely lead to a loved one telling you that you should’ve planned better and eaten beforehand, and we all know that being hangry is basically the same as an all-expenses-paid trip to the Caribbean!


So if you’re finding yourself daydreaming about the vacations you wish you could afford to take with a couple friends or family members, remember that you can replicate that exact same feeling wherever you are in the world right now! You know what they say: Vacationing is expensive, but irreparably damaging a close relationship is totally free!