In a very sweet, yet incredibly naïve move, Serena Owens just bought another bag of baby spinach as if she’s going to eat it before it becomes slimy and inedible in her refrigerator.
Aww! She really thinks she’s going to eat it!
“Spinach is so versatile,” Serena told us when questioned on the purchase. “I can throw it in a smoothie or sauté some as a side for this tilapia,” she said, grabbing a package of raw fish that will also soon outlast it’s expiration date when she comes home and heats up a frozen burrito as usual.
“You can even throw spinach in soups to add some iron to your diet,” Serena went on, having not made a single pot of soup all winter. “I’m definitely going to make one this week.”
Serena has been trying to get better about buying vegetables when she’s at the grocery store. And while she’s lived up to that goal, buying at least one green thing per visit, her track record of eating those items is incredibly spotty.
“What’s hard is that sometimes the produce here is not so fresh,” Serena explained, who left a rancid bag of broccoli in her fridge for a week without using it. “But I’m doing what I can.”
Upon arriving home from the grocery store, Serena promptly stuffed the bag of spinach into the back of her fridge behind a case of seltzer.
“I think I’m gonna meal prep for some awesome salads later,” she said, adorably. “It’s gonna be a great week!”