‘You’ll Never Be a Man,’ Says Transphobe Accidentally Affirming Trans Woman

In a surprisingly heartwarming story emerging from the depths of Twitter, 35-year-old renowned transphobe Harold Winley just commented, “You’ll never be a man,” under 20-year-old Talia Sharp’s photo, accidentally affirming her identity as a trans woman.


Nice job, Harold! That is technically correct!


“It’s so weird because normally Twitter is a cesspit of transphobia,” Talia told reporters gathered at the scene. “But when I saw the comment under my post I just thought, ‘Aw, that’s so sweet of him! Maybe there is some good left in the world!’”


Reporters decided not to burst Talia’s bubble and instead allow her this brief, accidental win.


“I saw one guy had commented that she’ll never be a man, and I was confused because…yeah, that’s the whole point,” said Talia’s close friend, River Lu. “I immediately tried to figure out if he meant it in a mean way. Sure, he’s wearing a ton of camo and these wide sunglasses in his profile picture, but honestly, that could mean anything.”


Upon a deep dive into his page, River saw that Harold has liked plenty of anti-Democratic Party tweets, which he took to mean Harold is either a Republican or a die-hard leftist.


“It’s pretty much a toss-up though,” he continued. “What an affirming thing to say, I guess!”


When reporters informed Harold that he had accidentally affirmed a trans woman’s gender identity, he said, “A what’s what?” and ran to his computer.


He tried to delete the comment, but it had already been screenshotted and reposted plenty of times as an example of how “everyone can come together in kindness these days.” Now, Harold is being lauded as a “god-tier ally,” which sucks for him, considering he was just trying to inflict some good, old-fashioned harm.


“Wait, I’m confused. I said this kid would never be a man,” he repeated, squinting at the photo and seemingly taking a second to get it. “She should be mad about that. Or he should be mad, I guess? Uh, someone should be mad!”



Sources confirm no one is mad. In fact, many have described the interaction as “heartwarming.” Moreover, Talia has taken this as encouragement to continue proudly posting photos of herself online.


As of press time, Harold had abandoned his attempt to misgender Talia, made a new account, and commented, “You suck” underneath one of Caitlyn Jenner’s posts, yet again accidentally uniting the trans community.