QUIZ: Should You Spend Valentine’s Day Stressed Out in a Kitchen or Stressed Out in Line at a Restaurant?

Every February 14th, couples around the country embark on a romantic night of their choosing. However, the choice has always been between one of two options: making dinner at home or paying for dinner at a restaurant. But which is right for you and your partner? Take this quiz to find out whether you two should spend Valentine’s Day stressed out in the kitchen, or stressed out in line at a restaurant!


Are either of you good at cooking?

  1. Yes! We both have our signature dishes.
  2. We both burn everything we touch.


How good are you with knives?

  1. Pretty good! I’ve never had any serious accidents before.
  2. I’ve been court-mandated to stay away from them at all times.


Which media reference comes to mind when you think about cooking in the kitchen with your partner?

  1. Any Nancy Meyers film, especially It’s Complicated where Meryl Streep and Steve Martin get high and make croissants from scratch. So cute!
  2. Probably The Bear.


How impatient are you?

  1. I honestly hate waiting. I’d rather do something myself than wait for anyone else to do the job.
  2. I can wait for a really long time if it means I don’t have to do anything.


Do you or your partner get hangry easily?

  1. Duh. Isn’t that normal?
  2. Not really. I keep a handful of nuts on me at all times, though, just in case.


How stable is your relationship?

  1. It’s great! We’ve never been happier together.
  2. It’s alright, but it’s been rocky recently because we keep fighting about the huge pile of dishes in our sink that neither of us want to do.




Mostly 1s: You and your sweetheart should definitely spend this Valentine’s Day at your breaking point in the kitchen! While you will both probably fight about your lack of counter space, how one of you learned to chopped vegetables wrong, the kind of meat you got from the store, or how one of you incorrectly loads the dishwasher, it’ll still be a thousand times smoother than waiting in line to eat at a restaurant you both forgot to make a reservation for. Have fun, you two lovebirds!


Mostly 2s: Please stay away from the kitchen this Valentine’s Day. You and your beloved would have a much better, but still stressful, time waiting in line at a restaurant instead! It seems like you’re both better suited to pace in a waiting area than to destroy a recipe you found from The New York Times along with your relationship in the process. Make sure you pick a great spot though, because the food will be the only saving grace after you both bring up every old fight you’ve had while taking turns standing and sitting and watching everyone else eat before you. Happy Valentine’s Day!