In a tale of overstepped boundaries out of your latest therapy appointment, your therapist just said “let’s unpack that” which wouldn’t be anything out of the ordinary, if she hadn’t been directing the comment at the unopened suitcase in the background of your Zoom.
“I usually respect what my therapist has to say,” you said. “But she really overstepped here! She doesn’t know what I do or do not have in that suitcase!”
You confided in reporters that you actually had a ton of important shit in there, including your toothbrush and wallet.
You went on to add that your therapist refused to be diverted from your suitcase, even when you launched into a long-winded monologue about your mom, which she usually eats up.
“I was forced to divulge some truly tasty bits of information that I had been keeping from her because I wasn’t sure how to deal with them,” you said. “But no! All she wanted to do was get me to unpack my suitcase. At one point she even volunteered to come over and help me unpack it! That’s overstepping a boundary, right?”
Reporters had to agree with you here – that was pretty weird.
Additionally, your therapist wanted you to not only unpack your suitcase, but wash your clothes and put them away.
“This is the most direct she’s ever been with me. Usually, she drops little ‘hmm’s and ‘I see’s and forces me to claw my way to the correct answer. But now she’s all like ‘unpack that!’ – where the hell does she get off?”
In your opinion, your therapist was being direct, demanding, and invasive.
“Why couldn’t she have lightly suggested that I practice mindfulness again?” you asked reporters. “I swear I’ll actually do it this time! Anything but unpacking that damned suitcase.”
At press time, you had gotten around to unpacking your suitcase simply to get your therapist off your back, and were forced to admit that it actually did do wonders for your mental health.
“Somehow it even solved that whole deal with my mom! I’m doing so much better that I canceled my next session and am going on vacation! Which means I need to…pack up my suitcase again.”