Good Posture? Here Are Three Ways to Still Let the World Know You’re Ashamed to Be Alive

Having good posture is one of the best ways to help your own confidence. But what if you have good posture even though you’re embarrassed to be a living, breathing human being? If your posture isn’t signaling the right thing to people, then here are three ways to let everyone know that you’re still just as ashamed to be alive as they are:



If you can’t stand that people can see your perfect, straight posture because they think it means you’re assertive, unafraid, and charismatic, then start hiding behind things like telephone poles or under desks so they don’t make that mistake. If you can’t change your posture, at least you can still change how people see you (by making them not see you at all)!


Say ‘sorry’ as much as possible.

Don’t let that pristine posture fool you! Even though your spine is perfectly aligned, that doesn’t mean that your self-esteem is. Don’t be afraid to go into situations with your head held high, and your mouth constantly apologizing for things that are simply not your fault. This is a dead giveaway that you believe you’re totally worthless, despite what your straight back suggests.



Make your posture worse.

If all else fails, making your posture worse is a great way to let people know that you think you’re a complete waste of space. Try doing daily exercises like looking down at your phone for eight hours a day, or just by doing some crunches wrong. Problem solved!


So if your back is as straight as a board, but you still don’t feel comfortable in your own body, then try any or all of these ways to make sure that people still know that you’re embarrassed to be alive. Good luck, and hopefully everyone else picks up on the fact that you don’t like yourself!