Feminist Win! This Start-Up Supports Women by Creating Products Specifically For Them to Buy

business woman happy

In an evolving marketplace with increasingly socially conscious consumers, more and more companies are growing in the light of a vision that extends beyond profit margins: A vision of social justice.


Such is the case for sta•she•nery, the boldly feminist stationery start-up daring to empower and uplift women by creating products specifically for them to spend their money on.


“I didn’t start sta•she•nery because I saw a business opportunity,” says founder Casey MacDonnell, MBA Wharton Business School. “I started it because I witnessed a genuine need for office supplies and stationery made for and by women.”


“I want to see a world where ladies are holding our I Ain’t Sorry pens and writing down their dream salaries in our Notorious CFO planners while fueling up with some java in a Namaste Breaking the Glass Ceiling mug, because as women, we must know our worth, and you can show that worth by investing in yourself with sta•she•nery products.”


But for MacDonnell, the feminism of her company extends far beyond just her consumer base.


“I always knew I needed to create a symbiotic system that empowers women from all walks of life,” she says. “The domestic worker is just as important as the woman in the corner office. That’s why sta•she•nery employs almost exclusively women of color from developing nations for the manufacturing of our products.”


“If you visit our website, you can even see some close up smiling pictures of them along with their first names and no other information,” adds MacDonnell.


Consider us moved! But why exactly do women need gendered stationery to remain competitive in professional spaces?


“When you’re using a man’s pen or a man’s legal pad, maybe you can’t tell the difference on a conscious level,” explains MacDonnell. “But you’re internalizing that this is not for you, and that takes a real toll on your self-esteem and performance.”



“So pick up a few supplies for yourself or a woman in your life,” adds MacDonnell. “Or better yet, become a subscriber and get a monthly care package of sta•she•nery delivered to your doorstep. For every subscription purchased, we give a pack of tampon laptop stickers to a woman in need.”


Okay, where do we sign up?!