Dystopian Reality? Macklemore Puts Out Really Good Music

In a bold, unexpected move that highlights the twisted and, frankly, fucked up nature of our current reality, Macklemore just put out some really good music. 


Okay, yeah! We’re confused by this dramatic turn of events, but good for him!


The rapper who is famous for being really explicitly not gay on his song “Same Love” from 2012 just released a single yesterday entitled “Hind’s Hall,” in which he expresses vehement support for the Palestinian people and disgust with our leaders’ inaction, then calls on artists to use their platforms to speak out against genocide. Macklemore also announced that all proceeds from the song will go to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA).


Many first-time listeners could be heard saying, “Holy shit! Macklemore? Macklemore of all people?”


Sources confirm: yes!


“No disrespect to the man himself, but his music has never really been my style,” said local rap fan Tyler Greer. “This latest song is fantastic, though! What kind of fucked up world are we living in where Macklemore has decided it’s time for him to release bangers? Things must have gone awry. We must have fallen far.”


While most people are still grappling with this shocking news, a few listeners appear to not be that surprised. 


“Everyone’s all up in arms about how Macklemore is sometimes bad at rap,” said longtime fan Sierra Kinde. “But I know when ‘Can’t Hold Us’ came out – like, right when it came out but it hadn’t been played to death on the radio yet – you liked that shit. You learned the words. And ‘Thrift Shop’ too! Enough. Have dignity.”


Sources expected that to be the end of it, but Sierra pressed on, saying, “Sure, he spends a lot of time on ‘Same Love’ explaining that he’s heterosexual, but it was 2012! Your gay ass was doing the same thing!”


Reporters at the scene had to concede she had made some good points.