Brave! This Woman Continues to Self-Medicate With Marijuana Even Though it Makes Her Feel Worse

Few things can stand in the way of a woman who has made up her mind, and 24-year-old Nicole Becker is no exception. That’s right: This headstrong Boston resident continues to self-medicate with marijuana even though it makes her feel worse!


“For quite some time smoking weed has been a part of how I take care of myself,” says Nicole. “Even though in my case it’s a part that happens to worsen my anxiety and stress.”


“I love weed,” Nicole adds. “It just also makes me feel incredibly overwhelmed by my future, all the horrors of the world and society, and any imaginable task.”


Wow! It’s amazing that Nicole is dependent on a drug that seemingly only worsens her quality of life.


“Of course, it would be impossible to ever properly evaluate all the pros and cons of smoking,” says Nicole. “Being high makes me sort of shut down and feel incapable of dealing with anything, but it also does make ice cream taste amazingly good. Like just incredibly delicious, more so than usual. So who knows?”


But while Nicole is content with her plan to keep treating her psychological and emotional maladies with a drug that intensifies them, some question her choices.


“I like weed, it genuinely relaxes me,” says a friend, Sabrina Zhang. “But it seems to have the exact opposite effect on Nicole, so I would say she should consider not smoking it? That’s the first solution that comes to mind for me, anyway.”


Nicole, however, doesn’t see it that way.


“I’ve thought about stopping before,” she says. “But at this point, I’ve just smoked for so many years. I figure, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!”


“Or I mean, I guess it is ‘broke’ in the sense that it makes my problems worse instead of better,” adds Nicole. “Maybe better to say: If it requires potentially unpleasant work to improve, don’t fix it!”


Keep up the good work, stoner queen!