14 Things You Should Know Before You Date A Girl Who Skied Once

When you date a girl who skied once, you better get ready! Girls who skied once have a whole lot to give, and a whole lot of history to boot. You better believe you’re going to learn a lot from her, especially about that one time she went skiing. Here’s what else is in store:


1. You better get ready to hear about the time she skied once again and again, every time skiing comes up in conversation.


2. Do you like stories about how renting skis was surprisingly expensive? Well, you better start.


3. You’ve dated lots of girls, but have you dated a girl who had to borrow ski pants from her mom so she could go on one ski trip? Are you prepared for this?


4. She ALWAYS wants go back but can NEVER find the time.


5. She definitely hasn’t skied more than once and don’t ask her if she’s skied more than once because she hasn’t.


6. You better be sympathetic to the “ski boot” struggle. She knows it all too well.


7. DON’T ask her to give you lessons (she’s only been once and isn’t very good).


8. One ski vacation does not make her your “ski bunny 4 life”—take it slow with the nicknames.



9. No, she didn’t snowboard once. She skied once. Know. The. Difference.


10. Don’t ask her why she never skied again. She has a whole list of reasons you’ll never hear the end of.


11. Seriously, she can’t even look at snow without all the stressful memories flooding back, so please don’t take her back to that awful mountain.


12. She knows what it’s like to have chapped lips, so she won’t be afraid to give you a lil’ smooch.


13. She’s knows what it’s like to cuddle up in cold weather, at least once. It was a platonic snuggle with her mom and niece, but it still counts.


14. Okay, but seriously, if she goes on a ski trip again it will have to be after years of therapy because there’s no coming back from the trauma she experienced that cold December morning in Colorado.


Girls who’ve skied once are totally crazy, but in a good way! So look out if you’ve found yourself one of your own!