I LIVED IT: I Made Fun of Myself and My Friend Added to the Bit Instead of Correcting Me What the hell? read more...
I LIVED IT: My Computer Died Even Though I Only Had 25 Tabs Open and 3 Movies Playing How could such basic functions have brought my computer to its knees?
I LIVED IT: My Healing Was Linear but It Was Linear Downward It has been a line straight to rock bottom.
I LIVED IT: I Told My Friend to Stop Me if I’ve Told Them This and They Actually Did You think this conversation is some kind of democracy? Nuh uh, babe. I’m in charge!
I LIVED IT: I Had 10 Extra Dollars so I Spent 70 Extra Dollars I surveyed my $10 buying options and found them to lack a certain je ne sais quoi.
I LIVED IT: I Thought the Restaurant’s Kitchen Was the Bathroom and Now I’m a Line Chef I’m working a 12 hour shift assembling house salad after house salad for only $10.45 an hour.
I LIVED IT: Someone Left the Party When I Was Planning My Exit and I Had to Stay Another 20 Minutes I have nothing left to talk about with any of these people, and I’m frightened.